Prescription Drug Rehab in Central Texas

Just because prescription drugs are prescribed by doctors and dispensed by pharmacies doesn't mean they are free of risks. When it comes to prescription medications with addictive properties, those risks include the development of an addiction. Prescription drug abuse and addiction is a major problem throughout the United States. However, regional centers like prescription drug rehab in Central Texas can help sufferers manage their addiction and overcome their dependencies on these addictive substances.

With drug and alcohol addiction programs, people suffering with a substance addiction can safeguard their health and achieve long-term recovery.

What Is Prescription Drug Addiction?

Prescription drug addiction typically begins with prescription drug abuse. Prescription drug abuse is constituted by using a drug that hasn't been prescribed to you or using it in a manner that deviates from the doctor's instructions. Increasing one's dose, for example, is a form of prescription drug abuse.

Many prescription drugs like opiate-based painkillers have addictive properties, but when taken properly and under a doctor's care, addiction is usually not a problem. On the other hand, when people develop a tolerance to these drugs and increase their dose, they begin to pave the way to addiction, which can happen quite quickly as these medications are extremely powerful.

Many people wonder why drugs like opiate painkillers are even prescribed, but these drugs have incredible medicinal properties. They are important tools that healthcare providers can use to treat patients. Unfortunately, when they are abused, they may induce pleasurable symptoms that stimulate the reward center of the brain.

Other people get hooked on these drugs because they've become psychologically dependent on them as well as physically dependent. It's important to note that an addiction to these drugs can be just as deadly as an addiction to illicit drugs. People do overdose on these medications. Moreover, abusing powerfully addictive prescription drugs can cause other physical and mental health problems too. Fortunately, our prescription drug rehab in Central Texas can help.

What Are Some Commonly Abused Prescription Drugs?

Drug addiction programs often treat people who are addicted to prescription drugs like opiate-based painkillers, stimulants, and anti-anxiety medications such as Xanax and Valium. In Texas, drugs like Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, and Codeine have been problematic. Vicodin and morphine addictions have also been treated extensively at prescription drug rehab in Central Texas.

Moreover, many Texas officials have reported that heroin users first began abusing prescription drugs before moving on to heroin. With our programs for addiction treatment in Central Texas, addictions to these drugs can be successfully managed. However, it's important that sufferers refrain from using any addictive substance because they are vulnerable to other addictive substances--not only prescription drugs.

Inpatient Treatment for Prescription Drug Addiction

Since substance addiction is a serious health problem, it's best for sufferers to enter an inpatient prescription drug rehab. By remaining in prescription drug addiction treatment for 30, 60, or even 90 days, sufferers have a strong likelihood of successful disease management because the inpatient stay allows them to focus exclusively on their recovery journey.

Within prescription drug addiction rehab centers, sufferers have many treatment options. Addiction specialists can help sufferers select a regimen of treatments and therapies that best suits their needs.

The first stage of prescription drug addiction treatment is evaluation. Healthcare providers will need to know the drugs you've taken even if it includes illicit drugs. The goal for healthcare providers isn't to pass judgment; it's to help people get clean and to successfully overcome their dependency on drugs or alcohol.

Your prescription addiction recovery center will be able to assess your condition and provide you with a customized treatment plan. Once that is accomplished, you can begin the detox process at our drug detox center in Central Texas. Detox helps you overcome your physical dependency on drugs or alcohol.

During your treatment for prescription drug addiction, you'll also get help overcoming your mental and behavioral dependencies on prescription drugs. Your prescription drug rehab in Central Texas will offer individual and group counseling as well as other therapies that promote addiction recovery.

Many prescription drug addiction centers also offer alternative therapies like art therapy, music therapy, equine therapy, and even restorative yoga. These therapies have been known to help sufferers achieve long-term recovery.

Treatment for prescription drug addiction is available at drug and alcohol treatment centers. Remember that substance addiction, including addiction to prescription drugs, is a disease. It is not a condition you are likely to manage on your own. With help from drug addiction programs and addiction specialists, you can learn to successfully manage this condition and achieve long-term recovery. Call us now at (877) 804-1531.

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